Joseph Polanco

Greetings, I am a 2 time coding bootcamp graduate with 4 computer science classes under my belt. I am also an aspiring software engineer. I am well versed in HTML, CSS, Javascript, Python and more. I have a passion for the following topics: Computer Science, Web Development, Languages(both programming and non-programming), Databases, Data Structures and Algorithms.

Coding Bootcamp Graduate

Early 2020, I was intruiged by the world of software. I took and completed Fullstack Academy, a coding bootcamp, where I learned HTML, CSS, Javascript, Node.js, React, Redux and Sequelize. This coding bootcamp was my introduction to the world of software.

Computer Science Courses Taken

After graduating my first bootcamp, I decided that I wanted to learn more about computer programming at a fundamental level. So I decided independently to take computer science courses via Youtube. I have taken a total of 4 computer science courses. Introduction to Programming(CS50), The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs(CS61A), Object Oriented Programming/Data Structures(CS61B) and lastly Introduction to Algorithms(MIT 6.006).

2x Coding Bootcamp Graduate

Since Early 2022, I have been attending this bootcamp called General Assembly to increase my expertise in computer science and software. In GA, I am learning everything I learned at Fullstack Academy, plus more. I am learning DOM manipulation, Object Oriented Programming, Python, Flask, Django, MongoDB, SQL, and more. Most importantly what I am doing in GA are revisiting concepts. Revisiting these concepts the second time around is making these concepts start to click at a deep level.


My passion for software came from my love of languages. Since a teenager I have been studying and practicing multiple foreign languages like Portguese, French, Spanish, Tagalog(Filipino). It was only natural to turn my love of languages into an greater love for computer languages. This is what lead me to start learning Javascript and Python.

Certified Teacher's Assistant

On my journey to learning more about software, I have been a Paraprofessional, or Teacher's Assistant, since January of 2018. In this role I learned a lot about communication, particularly breaking complex topics to make it digestable for those who are learning from me. This career has made me a great conversationalist, communicator, and most importantly it made me an expert at simplifying complexed topics like Computer Science and Software Engineering.

My Projects

Here are my software projects which are all responsive and deployed. I built these emails with HTML and CSS, and have tested these emails out using Litmus. My approach to creating these emails are looking at a design and creating it using HTML and CSS, then making sure these designs are responsive.

Get in touch

If you need me to build a fullstack responsive web application or want to contact me for career opportunities the best way is through email or telephone. Thank you for checking out my projects, hope you enjoyed and looking forward to speaking to you soon.

  • Address

    570 W 191st Street
    New York, NY 10040,
  • Email
  • Phone

    (646) 675-0765
  • GitHub